I heard Darwin came accross his theory of natural selection by studying domestacated animals. That he realized that human beings have selectivly breed the ancestors so today they look different. Then he realized this process could be happening naturaly--calling it natural selection.Is it true natural selection and selective breeding are both forms of how evolution happens?
I think you answered your own question.
Selective breeding, as used on domesticated animals by humans, could be seen as following the model of natural selection, where only the healthiest/strongest/intelligent individuals survive to pass on their genes.
Nowadays humans do not follow natural selection; we breed with people we love, often ignoring hereditary disabilities, and even infertile individuals can conceive due to modern medicineIs it true natural selection and selective breeding are both forms of how evolution happens?
That was the premise that Darwin established his theory on. Because of a perceived self-righteousness of the Christian Church, right or wrong, in the late 1800's and early 1900's, there was a mass acceptance of the theory of evolution because if there is no God who creates, then there is no God who judges and can tell us what to do; that is, the church can't tell us what to do. You have to remember that up to this time the main text books in school were the King James Bible and the New England Primer. Interestingly, the Supreme Court upheld the use of the Bible as a text book even until the early 1900's. Around the 1940's the Supreme Court took the Bible out of the public schools. Prayer was not taken out of public schools until the 1960's. So the Christian influence was the foundation of the philosophy of this nation and it took many generations to make inroads against it. And the inroads are still struggling against what is left of that paradigm.
When Einstein set forth his theory of relativity, the influential applied that relativity principal to morals. So now evolution, moral relativity and rationalism became the accepted rule of law, or lawlessness. Around that time ';God is dead'; slogans started appearing. It can be easily seen that the easy acceptance of evolution, moral relativity, rationalism, humanism and materialism are truly a rebellion against the concept of God and His accountability. We want to be free. We want the Hercules of modern philosophy to break the chains of the god(s)from off our necks. However, in getting rid of God [today they are still peeling the ten commandments from the courthouses in America] they created a vacuum. Eastern philosophy and spiritism have made inroads and is the next philosophy de jour coming on strong. Science Fiction is very popular. Star Trek, Star Wars, Sci Fi channel, Harry Potter, etc are very exciting and enjoyable, but they have more to do with forming our philosophies today than any other influence. It is subtle but in the aggregate the message is very strong. Witchcraft and the occult are making real inroads in our thinking. Darwin, who started it all, admitted at the end of his life that evolution could not be true because it could not be proved. So it is. The in-between animals so necessary to evolution are missing from the fossil record. That would indicate it never happened. Yet, Christians today jump on the band wagon of a 24 hour six day creation to counter the evolution theory that required millions and billions of years. Christians say the creation was done in 6 days of 24 hours each. In other words, instantaneously. Well, that is definitely not supported in Genesis. The creation was a process. Day in Genesis is not calibrated. So there is no telling how long the day was. In fact the herbs and grass and trees sprouted, and we know that is a process of time. To sprout you have to have seeds. It is high time Christians used some logic too.
No matter how civilized we may claim to be, our animal instincts will conquer us at the end.
Darwin was only one of many who believed that selective breeding showed that something in nature made it possible for species to evolve. It was only after visiting the Galapagos Islands on the HMS Beagle that he realized that the isolation of the islands led to the unique specimens of species that he found. There was no one to direct the speciation, so there had to be something in the environment that was responsible. He and a few others realized that the only element in the environment was the environment itself. Mutations arise spontaneously, but only the nonlethal ones survive, and only the ones that provide an advantage of some kind in the environment go on to reproduce over time.
I don't know but I do know that evolution cannot be shown to be happening today.
Just look at plants. Look at our vegetables. We have selectively bred most of them and look how huge we can make them. We screwed around and got wheat. Those giant pumpkins and stuff those crazies make and show off at fairs. Man made domesticated dogs, just invented them. When plants breed you get all kinds of crazy stuff happen with the chromosomes, even some animals. Research polyploidy.
Natural Selection is evolution in progress, it's the natural weeding out of the gene pool inferior genes or traits that don't benefit the species. It occurs naturally without intervention by man. Selective breeding is done by man to tweak a species. For instance, you want a smaller dog, so you keep breeding the smallest of your dogs until most of your dogs are the size you want. Those are designer dogs, not created by man, but modified by man.
Yes that is true. Selective breeding is called artificial selection, whereas what happens in nature without human interference is called natural selection. Both result in a species evolving.
those are terms used in the theory. I heard he got his idea while studying birds and wildlife on those islands somewhere in the ocean. Although the specific selection idea could come later and be inspired from this other source you mention. The actual evolution comes from random mutation, natural selection makes it so the strong survive and selective breeding helps by promoting the stronger and most successful genes to spread more often. But these two alone give no reason for why things change.
Yes that's true. Have a look on the breeding of dogs, the variation is enormous.
Look on man is the same the variation is great. We call man's races, natives are races the mix between these races are not natural selections, but are selective breeding's.
';The Evolution Deceit';: A wonderfull book to read.
(freely downloadable).
Read also the customer reviews from amazon.com (second link)
There is more to the story than that. For instance, Darwin identified one 'natural selector' as terrain. If you have a population that is separated from another group by terrain so that interbreeding is unlikely (just as a human breeder would separate one stock of animals from another and not allow them to breed) you have a natural selection at work.
Since Darwin, other selection types have been identified. Weather changes is a big one as well as a neat sort of 'self selection'. That happens when the girls prefer one sort of male over another, could be as simple a thing as coat color or breath smell. Pretty much how female humans do it. You can see how dwarfism would increase in a population if women suddenly decided that dwarfs were the cutest thing going and wanted to have kids by them.
Do a search on 'ring species' for a modern example of how this works out.
Those that cannot not marry and propagate outside of heir own religion... is that not selective breeding and a form of evolution?
Yes... If you control the possable outcomes of any gentic excersize then you control how something is changed....
Since you asked this question in Religion %26amp;Spirituality Section, the reply should be spiritual.
The only reason for creation of universe and evolution from ameoba to human is the dissatisfication of Mother Nature and her quest to carve out a perfect being out of inert matter. Rest all are theories, presumptions, and half-understood ideas
And this evolution is still continuing... it is at mental level now for humans
Yes, since in both cases the living organisms evolves to suit it's living conditions.
No, no,no-we need to get passed organic evolution first. True, nat selection and selective breeding can have an effect, we can see that right now. But you still have to get there first. There are just too many unsolved problems in getting ';nothing'; to come alive! We are still stuck in 450 billion B.C.
Evolution is a myth.
Evolution is an unproven theory. If you want to believe that you're descended from a monkey it's a personal choice, but I know that I'm not.
Try listening to ';The Monkey'; by Doctor John on ';N'awlinz: Dis, Dat or D'udda'; for a different take on evolution.
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