Why do they do that? Why do the Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Atheists, etc, not worship the true Biblical God and only follow their ';gods,'; which are all nothing but Satan? Isn't that very rude to the true God? Why are they not thankful to Him?Why do non-Christians not worship their true creator, the Biblical God, and worship forms of Satan instead?
stop bashing other peoples religions and beliefs and get a life
people like you make this world a bad place to liveWhy do non-Christians not worship their true creator, the Biblical God, and worship forms of Satan instead?
You are so ignorant its painful. Just for future reference: Christians, Muslims and Jews all worship the same God. They have different names for him but its the same one. What makes the religions different is that they all believe in a different prophet and obviously, follow different holy texts.
So, I'm Muslim, and you think that I worship Satan, huh?
Honey, your Christianity is nothing more than a combination of religious ideas/motifs - it's bible has been re-written countless times, books and chapters omitted, and translated out of context completely.
You need to wake up and stop being a bigot.
Boy, you sure have a lot of guts to ask this question. But, anyway it is because they don't know any different and believe that their religion is the right one. Christianity is hugely misunderstood throughout the world. Because they were brought up different, with different cultures and beliefs. I don't know any religion that does not stereotype the others. They are all guilty of that. Because everyone believes their religion is the right one.
This is a joke right? The INFALLIBLE Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster *CLEARLY* says that the FSM was the true creator. Since its infallible, it must be right and anyone who says otherwise is obviously wrong, such as yourself.
If this is a serious question, I'm sorry to say, you're an idiot.
My relationship to God is my business. You don't presume to intrude on my relationship to my wife, my mother, father, sisters, friends, or anyone else, so how do you dare to intrude on my relationship to God?
How God and I interact is between God and me, not between God, me, and you. So my advice would be to mind your own business.
Well, this is a question that has been asked in many different forms and can go on for hours on hours upon a discussion. I am a christian, so in my opinion, yes I think that Jesus Christ is my only way to get to heaven being saved through him and accepting him into my heart, but other people have been raised differentely. They may not know better, or even in a sense, they might think they are right. Who knows? I follow the bible's teachings and it says God is everything. The only way. What does their book say about their God? Look into it and see what you can find...
I can't decide whether to report your question as an illegal violation of the Civil Rights acts or not.
The Jewish religion is one of the best in the world. And I've met many Jews who are more Christian than some Christians I have met.
How dare you? Really, how dare you? Have you no shame at all?
One has to remember that the Christian concept of God is not based on what the Bible says. It is the Bible that explains the Christian concept of God. God existed before there was a New Testament. Jesus founded a Church before his followers wrote the books of the Christian Scriptures. Christians were already in a well-developed religion before they began to canonize their writings. And the concepts in the New Testament are based on those of the Old Testament which itself is based on the Jewish religion--again, a religious system that did not come from the Bible but produced it.
So before concluding that everyone else but Christians are wrong, you need to first understand that you are putting the cart before the horse. The way you put things you are making it sound like there was this book just lying around that somebody stumbled upon, read it, and then said: ';Hey, let's follow what it says,'; and then they built a religion based on what is in its pages. That is not the way it happened.
The religions came first, then their adherents wrote things, then those things gained popularity over the centuries, then decisions were made as the value and meaning of those texts. The Christian Church itself did not agree on what books would make up the New Testament until the 4th century when Eusebius of Caesarea developed his canon and submitted it to the bishop Athanasius of Alexandria in 367 AD. Before then there was no standardized list of inspired texts for Christians, and some did not see a need for such a list even after Athanasius encouraged its adoption by all the Church.
So it is not a God that can be found in a book that needs to be followed, but the God that inspired that book wants us to love everyone, regardless of their beliefs or lack thereof because God created all humankind, and yes, that includes non-Christians as well.
For God 'makes his sun rise on the non-Christian and the Christian, and causes rain to fall on those who believe in Christ and those who do not believe in Christ. But if you only love those who love you, what reward is there in that? Do not the people you accuse of worshiping Satan do the same? And if you greet your spiritual brothers and sisters only, what is unusual about that? Do not false worshipers do the same?' As Jesus said: ';Be perfect just as your heavenly Father is perfect.';--Matthew 5:45-48.
Why don't you get some rope, a bible and a cross and find some heathens. Then you can tie them up and preach to them until they accept your god. I'm sure in your mind you would be doing ';God's Work'; and surely no wrong doing could possibly come of that.
Tell that to the judge and they might throw you into a mental hospital where you belong.
God and Satan don't exist. I'm an atheist I don't worship satan, I don't believe he exists anymore than I believe god exists, or the teapot.
Hate to break it to you but muslims and jews believe in the same god you do.
Why do you believe G-d is a liar? G-d said His law is eternal, fulfilling it makes it come to an end.
G-d said no one could look at him, Jesus could be looked at.
G-d cannot die, jesus died.
G-d said not a single letter shall be added or subtracted from Torah- the entire NT was added.
Either G-d is a liar or you are.
';If Judaism is true, chrisitianity is clearly false
If Judaism is false, Christianity has no basis to exist';
You are wrong. The Muslims worship the true Biblical God mentioned in Bible That is Allah who created Prophet Jesus(peace be upon him) and who is and was present before Jesus(PBUH) also. You people are worshiping Jesus(PBUH) and not GOD.
Say yes to good and no to bad.
The Changeless, of course, is full of possibility and actuality.
Prepare to live forever.
Think twice before you speak, and three times before you act.
If you think the bible is ENOUGH of God's word, you're right; it's enough to send you to hell.
That's their choice. Of course I do not want anyone to suffer. I do not want anyone to slip away from salvation. Jesus can save anyone- no one is beyond his grasp!
I choose to be thankful to God, and that is a choice. Other people might not share my point of view, and I have to accept it. It makes me sad to think of anyone leaving this world and not going to heaven, but I don't want to force my beliefs on anyone. I would rather just walk in love, as Jesus did himself. Praise the Lion of Judah!
You know, I am a Christian. A true believer in the risen Christ Jesus. Even as such, I am here to tell you that you sound like a Pentecostal nut-case. Do you realize that you are one of the most judgmental people that I have ever heard here? How do you expect to ever win anyone to Christ, when you sound worse than the trolls here?
Atheists don't worship. We are thankful for our health, life, and the people we love around us. We're just normal people who don't need the 3rd party to validate us. We aren't thankful to something that doesn't exist.
Why are you looking down your nose at all the other religions and atheists when your religion doesn't even have any evidence to prove that it is right?
Why does anyone from any supposedly First World Nation buy into the god business at all ?
You're entitled to your opinion.
You've got to be trolling.
Well...the thing is they are blinded by Satan just like we Christians were before God opened our eyes...and answering someone else comment...Jesus is God Almighty in Flesh
My true creator is my mother plus my father, I don not need any other thank you very much
Good morning, Ms. Poe.
yes they need to be saved
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