Friday, February 12, 2010

Are these words still true: ';Dissent is the highest form of patriotism';?

These words were uttered by Hillary Clinton, during the Bush administration.

Are they still true now, under the Obama administration?Are these words still true: ';Dissent is the highest form of patriotism';?
Yes, she's right. And the words are still true now.

That's why I'm a patriot, and the idiots that swallow down the Obama/Biden/Clinton drivel are traitors.Are these words still true: ';Dissent is the highest form of patriotism';?
Not when it means preventing Americans from hearing both sides of an issue, like with health care reform, because they also do that in Iran. Forget patriotism, the Republuicans have turned dissent into GOP suicide, because the only ones who they have convinced are those who side with them already. They should realize what they are really doing.
While I am sure that Hillary Clinton was not the first person to utter these words, dissent is a form of patriotism. Actually fighting for America and giving your life for the American ideals, is actually the highest form of patriotism.

And doesn't Bill Clinton look quite the statesman next to President Obama?
Every American has the right to peaceful dissent. Period.
I'm sure the people who are railing against this healthcare bill think so.

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