Sunday, February 7, 2010

Why do they say that educate people favor Obama?Do u believe is true or a form of bad politics to gain votes?

I don't understand why would educated people would choose Obama?Why do they say that educate people favor Obama?Do u believe is true or a form of bad politics to gain votes?
That is just spin from the Obama camp.

The radical extreme left tends to be largely made up of people who failed in College in the more rigorous courses.

They changed their majors to lest rigorous majors such as sociology and ethnic studies.

The members of the radical left seem to be preoccupied with calling themselves educated precisely because they failed to get good educations and instead have degrees in easy liberal arts subject such as Sociology and Ethnic Studies.

For example I support Hillary Clinton and I have a PhD in Biochemistry. That is a bit more rigorous ecucation than an undergraduate degree in Sociology or Ethnic Studies.Why do they say that educate people favor Obama?Do u believe is true or a form of bad politics to gain votes?
By educated, they mean people with college degrees or post college degrees.

FYI -- educated does not = intelligent. Plenty of intelligent people do not get college degrees and their are plenty of people with college degrees who aren't really all that intelligent. (I agree that one needs a certain level of intelligence to get through school, but it isn't that high.)

Having a college degree, and especially a post-college degree, is more of a sign of affluence and wealth than it is of intelligence.

Big Money is backing Obama because they don't want either McCain or Clinton to win. And that, my friend, is why the *educated* are backing Obama. They already have the power and they don't want the candidates who have actually worked for campaign reform to become president.

Got it?
The best way to answer this question is for you to experience the world yourself. Education can be the degrees that you have, but it can also be the experiences that you grow to have as you get older. I grew up in a hick town in PA, but then moved to the DC area which was enlightening. I do consider myself educated and I do support Obama, but if I would have stayed in PA who knows how I would be today. (I shudder at the thought).
The media pasted this across the air waves to try and make people that were voting for Hillary seem that they were not educated.

All of the zObamabies jumped aboard Obama's bandwagon after this.

And now for the truth....

The reason Obama was getting the so called educated/college vote. Is because that is where Mr. Obama started launching his campaign in the first place, and the media ran with it.
I'm starting college soon to pursue my education, so clearly NOT all Hilary supporters are uneducated.

As an educated source, I have to admit and stress, that people who are educated and voting for obama in my opinion are blind and ignorant. They shouldn't call themselves educated, because they aren't. The obama camp is just using that to make Hilary supporters look as a failure. How pathetic. i'm voting for clinton clearly because I agree with her issues on economics, not because I am sexist or racist, because I am not!!

If Hilary loses, I'll vote for Mccain, because I am educated!!
It is simply information gained from exit polls.

I am not sure how this would translate into gaining votes however...(one would not become more educated by simply voting for Obama so its not a image thing...and I can not imagine that most people are out there asking themselves who the guy with the M.A. or Ph. D. is voting for).

It is just information on demographic trends to Obama.
Because the people who are not voting for Obama worked for most of their lives have not gotten much of an education their well informed of the crisis thats going on in our country but they care more about themselves than the country as a whole. Their still stuck in the jim crow law era.
It's based on exit polls and where his votes come from. It's not meant as a slam against anybody. I do see a lot of vitriol over it though. People are offended if they support McCain or Clinton - as if this stat suggests their supporters AREN'T intelligent or educated.

Obama 2008
Demographics happen. People can be divided by gender, age, race, education, income, geography, etc. These groups may favor one candidate or another. It is a measure of voting trends. Nothing more. Nothing less.
It is a bad form of politics that is intended to gain votes. I do not buy into it at all and I believe that it is false.

People who are REALLY educated would never even consider Obama.
It's just flattery...If they are educated like Obama, we have to find 57 states on the map...鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
Its simple statistical unbiased math, just like Obama's victory. That's just like asking why did the TV say Hillary won West Virginia. Its because they counted the number of votes and mathematically she had the majority of votes there.
They used to say ';blue collar.';

Now this year, that has changed to ';uneducated whites with racial bias.';

Very bad politics.
I consider myself to be educated (with a college degree in engineering) and I'm voting for McCain.

Olimpia - you are not one to be commenting on someone's lack of education.
It`s not true, I`m educated as is all of my family and all of my closet friends, we are all voting for Mrs. Clinton.

It`s just bad politics.
Did you ever see educated people flocking to see something with tears in their eyes? Just give me a proved example, then you'll know how true this media claim actually is.
';Why do they say that educated people favor Obama?';

Actually, I was thinking the opposite was true.
educated people dont vote based on someone's race

they choose to vote for the person who they think will benefit the country

Except for the ones voting for Obama because he is half black.
you mean educated people, i guess you're voting for Hillary then
Bad politics,it is condescending.
It's all based on polls. They ask you Who do you support, then they ask What is your highest level of education. It's pretty simple.
because they are EDUCATED
No, I don't think that is hype! Just like all Blacks voting for Obama....simply not true!
They may be book smart, but they have NO common sense. I agree with you!
First, we see McCain as the crook that he really is. I do feel that Obama supporters are well informed. We don't want someone in office that will not keep their word.

Obama '08
See Oregon and West Virginia. Just check out the differences with those people. What state do you think has the most educated affluent people? Oregon? What state do you think has the most poor and uneducated people? West Virginia? It's simple really.
People who have college educations tend to be more liberal in their political views -- i.e. Democrat.

Obama is a new fresh choice and a Democrat who happens to be saying some of the right things right now. So, liberals are going to tend to like him.

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